
Our First BC Client Loves Our Human Grade Dog Food!

by | Jul 29, 2014 | Testimonials

Tamara and her dog Winnie, of Richmond, BC, recently became one of our very first clients out West. And after just a week, here’s the glowing review Tamara sent us about how much Winnie loves eating healthy homemade dog food.

Gorgeous Girl Winnie

Gorgeous Girl Winnie

I’m extremely picky about what I’m willing to feed my pup Winnie and after doing an incredible amount of research on raw food, human grade dry food, and lightly cooked food, I finally decided that I was going to try Lucky Dog Cuisine. My hope was that it would eliminate Winnie’s itchiness, soft poops and subsequent anal gland issues that she seemed to be having on the other (high quality, human grade) dry food I was feeding her.

I decided not to put her on a raw diet because I was concerned about her ability to properly digest, and get ALL of the nutrients that raw food can offer; I was also worried about the potential cross contamination to myself and my husband since she’s a bearded dog and gets food stuck in it all the time.

I can’t even put into words how happy both Winnie and I are with the food. From the minute I open the bag, Winnie’s immediately at my side, being the most well behaved dog you’ve ever seen. It takes her about 2 minutes from when I put the food down for her to complete it, and she licks her bowl 100% clean! Prior to this, it would take her hours to eat all her dry food, and I could tell she was only eating it out of necessity. Now that she’s on Lucky Dog, I’ve already noticed that she’s not itching, dragging her bum, and her eyes look nice and bright! Her coat is looking great as well.

As someone who is very concerned about feeding my dog the absolute best food available, and doing everything in my power to make sure she has the healthiest and happiest life possible, I couldn’t be happier that this food is available.

Thanks Tamara and Winnie!
