
Hurricane Sandy Didn’t Just Affect People…

by | Nov 3, 2012 | Uncategorized

I had intended to use my first official blog post to talk a little about myself, our company, and to show how excited we are to be providing Lucky Dog Cuisine here in Toronto. However, the events of the past week trump that.  Hurricane Sandy left the east coast of the United States devastated. Houses and businesses were destroyed, trees were uprooted, people were displaced and animals were lost.

But one of the most heartwarming aspects of this disaster, I think, was seeing how people have come together. Doctors were giving free care in Manhattan, those with electricity were sharing so others could charge their cell phones and call loved ones. And then there were the brave souls who risked their lives for others, both human and animal. Three cheers for the unnamed volunteer! The Huffington Post has a great entry on some of the most touching animal rescues from the week.

If you want to help, Animal Planet has a page on their blog detailing the different charities in New York and New Jersey who need funds and volunteers. Click here for more information.

So, we are incredibly excited to be operating here in Toronto now, and as we grow, we’ll do our best to keep you up to date on what’s going on in the canine world, from benefits to charities to the latest toys and gadgets, there is no topic too taboo. Of course, our focus will be on nutrition, but every once in a while, it’s good to take  moment and remember how Lucky we all are.
