

Dr Mahaney and Cardiff

Dr Mahaney and Cardiff

As I’m sure some of you know already, one of our good friends is holistic vet Dr Patrick Mahaney, and he writes columns for AOL’s site PawNation. In one of his most recent columns, the focus was on debunking the most common dog food myths. It’s something that we constantly try to do here at Lucky Dog Cuisine (I think one of the biggest misconceptions I hear is: “I thought people’s food was bad for dogs…”) and it’s always great to have our points reinforced by someone else.

Would you feed your dog your dinner?

Would you feed your dog your dinner?

So what does Dr Mahaney dive into? Well, first off, it’s the aforementioned people food, or as he puts it, table scraps. Provided you avoid processed foods, ones high in fat and poisonous foods for dogs (chocolate, onions, grapes), then sure, why not? Of course, you don’t want to allow your dog to beg at the table, so make sure that if Fido is lucky enough to get some leftovers, that you give it to him in the kitchen. Dr Mahaney also touches upon other hot topics including raw foods, what the word “by-product” means when it comes to pet foods, and animal bones as chew treats. And of course, his last talking point is one of my personal favourites: can dogs eat grains? We surely believe so, and so does Dr Mahaney. Numerous studies have been published over the years looking at healthy grains and dogs, who are omnivores like people. Given that our canine friends have evolved with people for thousands of years, it stand to reason that they can eat what we do! For more information, check out Dr Mahaney’s article hereΒ or take a peak at AOL’s PawNation for facts and fun videos, photos and more.
