
What are the differences between dogs and humans?

by | Dec 2, 2012 | Uncategorized

Here at LDC, we are frequently being asked what the differences are between dogs and humans, especially since we’re always talking about ingredients that aren’t fit for human consumption. Other than the obvious physical appearances, there are lots of things that set us apart from our canine companions when it comes to diet and nutrition.

First off, dogs have 42 well-spaced teeth.  People have 32 and our teeth are closer together.  The space between dogs’ teeth allows food to enter quickly.  Dog’s mouths are funnels to get food into the stomach as quickly as possible.  Your dog gulping his food is his natural way of eating. Our canine friends also lack the ability to grind food.  Their jaws only allow up and down movement.  They can’t slide side to side like humans can.  They also do not predigest starches in the mouth like we do.  We get cavities. Dogs get tarter build up, but no cavities!

But that’s not all: the small and large intestine in the average human is approximately 36 feet long.  That’s the length of a school bus!  A 70 lb dog has a 6-foot long intestine therefore dogs need high quality proteins to be able to digest them quickly.  People have longer digestive systems so we can handle eating raw fruits and vegetables.

Complex carbohydrates and vegetables should be cooked and vegetables pureed to allow predigestion. Cooking keeps the glycemic index low to help maintain even blood sugar levels.  This causes less stress on the pancreas and liver.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to people and dogs is that we all need good quality proteins and whole foods to stay healthy.
